Josh Martinez – Takes Gold In Canadia

From The Josh himself –

So in the past, i may have disparaged the Olympics (mostly drunk, when with friends) for the well documented socio-political effects it has on the host communities . I lived in sydney australia in 1998 right before the olympics and vancouver from 2000-07, and you can watch a city literally change around you. It heaves up towers of new condos, and jobs and money and opportunity. And fraud and boredom and vigilante commercialism. Cranes miles to the sky, careening out of control to construct more towers and push around the down trodden who undoubtedly will get in the way of a lovely time for visitors and so forth and the inconvenience of skyrocketing rents and eventual massive municipal, provincial and national debt, the likes Montreal is still paying off for its celebration in 1976. but i most defintely digress. Cause I. Love. To. Party.

And now that its finally here, and i have been invited to play it, i rejoice not in the politics of it all, but in the actual spirit of massive human interaction and the ecstatic drama of human competition. Anyone who knows me well, knows i loves me some Sports. The human drama is my thing. But Mostly. I. Like. To. Party!

So when i was asked ii had any philosophical objections to playing the olympics, i smiled slyly to myself, before punching my girlfriend in the dick, to affirm, that yes, i undoubtedly would love to play at the Olympics…I’m most very greatful for the opportunity.

So here it is, the lead story, in its developing form…

I, Young Martinez, single man, will be playing Feb 17 at the base of Whistler mountain, at precisely 9pm (or imprecisely, i don’t really know how on time the olympics are but my guess is pretty spot on). My bass player and vocalist ‘All-You-Can-Eat’ Pete Schmitt will be with us as well and we are being joined by the incredibly nice Pemberton powerhouse DJ Rich-A…

The Josh Martinez Experiences will be opening for perenial Canadian wonderhosers, Barenaked Ladies, who will entreat the world audience to some of their Toddler Diddies. On another front, in a BIZARRE bit of beef i’m going to start, i will be performing at the Olympics with Steven Page, the cocaine-addled former lead singer who will take the stage as my hypeman. And you can be sure, he will be HYPE!

And there are more gigs in the works…I will check back in…